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CEO's Speech

Every time I speak or write about Digi-Mark Solution, it makes me proud. Because Digi-Mark Solution is what I have spend most of my life with. Not just me, our entire team has been working relentlessly to ensure the best possible digital security solutions for our beloved customers, which is a purpose worth all the compromises we make and the efforts we put in. Because, to us, delivering our promise is more important than anything else and we promise to keep you secure by the Grace of Almighty.

At the wake of the 21st century, the world has gone more digitalized than one could ever imagine. The integrated circuits invented in 1960s has worked its magic, put the world in our pockets. With that, we have been able to put the entire matter of security in our pockets too. You own a business? You need to oversee your warehouse or showroom 24/7? We enable you to be virtually present at the warehouse or showroom or any business premises 24/7 from any corner of the world. You have a valuable vault and need that to be secured? We have got you covered with fingerprint locking system. You need to monitor your employees’ attendance? We have our biometric system for you to be taking attendance as though you were taking it yourself.

Just like the IC, another breakthrough in the world of technology is Artificial Intelligence, AI. It has made digital security solutions even more efficient. What if the machines can be taught what is a breach of security and how to act when there is a breach of security? There’s definitely even less work for you to do, hence less headache. This is the pinnacle of technology and innovation in security measures. We have AI-guided digital security solutions for you so that we can ensure the maximum efficiency in security service for you.

The whole world is going ahead with digitalizing everything. We, as a nation have been colonized for hundreds of years, which put us backwards. While the world entered the era of industrialization, we were still agriculture-based country. Because our decisions were not up to us, we were not the architects of our future. After a mighty war for 9 months, with the price of a lot of bloods, we have been able to self-govern ourselves. Now we are the architects of the future. While we set forth our mission decades ago, digital security solutions were not as common as it has become today. There was no ‘Digital Bangladesh’ as it stands today. Everything has changed over the years. We have looked forward to a future where we could contribute to the establishment of a Digital Bangladesh. And we take pride on the fact that today, it’s not a distant dream, it’s reality. Digital security solution market has grown exponentially and beingone of the market leaders, our journey so far has been a glorious one.

Digi-Mark Solution is a brand now, with thousands of satisfied customers in every corner of the country. Digi-Mark Solution looks forward to retain its image in the industry, with a dedicated team of employees, we will keep serving the nation in foreseeable future. As our product portfolio has increased over the years, it will keep increasing. The latest of security solutions and technologies we will provide for you. You can stay light-hearted, Digi-Mark Solution will be there with the security solutions.