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Entrance Control Management System in Bangladesh | Digi-Mark Solution

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Last Modified On: 31-05-2024

Entrance Control  System in Bangladesh | Digi-Mark Solution

An entrance control management system is a combination of technology and physical barriers that regulates who can enter a specific location. It typically consists of two parts:

  • Physical Barriers: This could be something as simple as a door or gate, or more sophisticated systems like turnstiles or bollards.

  • Electronic Access Control: This is the technological side that verifies a person's authorization to enter. This can be done through keycards, fobs, PIN codes, or even biometric scanners like fingerprint or facial recognition.

The main purpose of an entrance control management system is to ensure only authorized personnel are allowed in a specific area. This is important for security reasons, to protect sensitive information or equipment, or to control access to certain parts of a building. Entrance control systems can also be used to track who enters and exits a location, which can be helpful for time and attendance purposes.

Why use an Entrance Control System?

An entrance control system is a strategic investment for enhancing the security and management of your facility. Here’s why it’s essential:

Enhanced Security

Strengthen your building's defenses against unauthorized access. Entrance control systems act as a deterrent to intruders, ensuring the safety of your personnel, property, and sensitive information.

Granular Access Control

Gain precise control over who can access specific areas within your facility. With entrance control systems, you can assign access permissions based on job roles or departmental needs, restricting entry to sensitive zones.

Improved Safety

Reduce security risks and create a safer environment for everyone in your building. These systems help prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that only authorized personnel can enter.

Streamlined Time & Attendance Tracking

Automate the tracking of employee entries and exits, simplifying time and attendance management. This feature not only enhances security but also improves operational efficiency.

Finding the Perfect System for Your Needs

For highly secure areas like government institutions, where the safety of visitors and employees is paramount, an entrance control system is crucial. Given the rising global threat of terror attacks and geopolitical tensions, enhancing public security is imperative to avoid any potential loss or harm. Our client, particularly concerned with these risks, requires a reliable Security Inspection Solution capable of detecting and recognizing dangerous items instantly and effectively. Additionally, they need an Entrance Control Solution to manage and restrict unauthorized entry into the Ministry of Defence building.

Digi-Mark Solution: Authorized Distributor of Entrance Control and Parking Barriers in Bangladesh

Digi-Mark Solution, an authorized distributor of top-tier entrance control and parking barrier systems in Bangladesh, offers a wide variety of solutions to meet diverse security needs and building layouts. Our comprehensive range of products includes:

  • Parking Barriers: Effectively manage and control vehicle access to specific parking areas.
  • Flap Barriers: Efficiently handle pedestrian traffic flow, ensuring smooth and secure entry.
  • Turnstiles: Provide a secure and user-friendly entry point for authorized individuals.
  • Advanced Security Scanners: Utilize sophisticated screening technology to detect and prevent potential threats.

We are committed to delivering reliable and efficient systems tailored to the specific needs of various institutions, including government facilities and corporate offices. With a focus on quality and innovation, Digi-Mark Solution ensures that your security infrastructure is robust, user-friendly, and capable of addressing today's evolving security challenges.

Buying Guide: Entrance Control Systems in Bangladesh

Securing your building starts with choosing the right entrance control system. This guide will equip you to make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

1. Assess Your Security Requirements:

The first step is understanding your security level needs. Consider:

  • Facility Type: Is it an office building, residential complex, or a high-security area?
  • Sensitivity of Areas: Are there specific areas requiring stricter access control, like data centers or server rooms?

2. Explore System Options:

Bangladesh offers a variety of entrance control systems to choose from:

  • Turnstiles: Ideal for managing pedestrian traffic flow, with options like waist-high tripods or full-height turnstiles for enhanced security.
  • Access Control Gates: Provide secure entry points with features like card readers or biometric scanners.
  • Biometric Systems: Utilize fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans for a high level of security and convenience.
  • Video Intercoms: Allow visual verification of visitors before granting access, enhancing communication and security.

3. Identify Essential Features:

Make a list of functionalities crucial for your system. Consider:

  • Access Methods: Will you use keycards, PIN codes, biometrics, or a combination?
  • Integration Capabilities: Does the system integrate with your existing security or building management system?
  • Remote Access Control: Do you need the ability to manage access remotely via a mobile app or web interface?
  • Alarm Systems: Are audible or visual alarms necessary for attempted unauthorized entry?
  • Visitor Management: Does the system offer visitor registration and tracking functionalities?

4. Plan for Future Growth:

Choose a system that can adapt to your organization's needs. Consider:

  • Scalability: Can the system be easily expanded to accommodate additional access points in the future?

5. Seamless Integration:

If you have existing security systems, ensure the chosen entrance control system integrates smoothly, minimizing compatibility issues.

6. Prioritize User Experience:

A user-friendly system simplifies operation and maintenance. Look for intuitive interfaces and clear instructions for both staff and authorized personnel.

7. Reliability and Durability:

The system should be built to last. Consider factors like:

  • Environmental Conditions: Is the system suitable for your location's climate (heat, humidity, etc.)?
  • Durability: Is the system built with high-quality materials to ensure long-term performance?

By following this guide and consulting with security professionals in Bangladesh, you can select the ideal entrance control system to safeguard your building and create a secure environment.

Price Range for Entrance Control Systems in Bangladesh

The cost of an entrance control system varies based on several factors, including the type of system, the number of access points, and any additional features required. In Bangladesh, prices generally range from 50,000 taka to 5 lakh taka. Investing in an entrance control system not only enhances your security but also provides peace of mind, knowing that your building and its occupants are well-protected.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is an entrance control system?

An entrance control system goes beyond just a lock and key. It's a comprehensive security solution that regulates who can enter a specific area. This system combines physical barriers like turnstiles or security gates with electronic access control technology. This technology can include keycard readers, biometric scanners (fingerprint, facial recognition, etc.), or even PIN code entry systems.

2. Why use an entrance control system?

The benefits of entrance control systems are numerous:

  • Enhanced Security: Deter unauthorized entry, safeguard your people, property, and sensitive information.
  • Improved Access Management: Grant access based on job roles or departments, restricting entry to specific areas.
  • Streamlined Visitor Management: Track visitors, manage registrations, and enhance communication.
  • Accurate Access Logs: Maintain a record of who enters and exits for security purposes and compliance.
  • Efficient Traffic Flow: Manage pedestrian or vehicle movement, preventing congestion.
  • Faster Emergency Response: Control access points during emergencies for faster evacuation or lockdown procedures.

3. What are the different types of authentication methods?

Entrance control systems offer a variety of ways to verify a person's identity:

  • Traditional Methods: Keycards or PIN codes provide a simple and familiar authentication method.
  • Biometric Systems: Fingerprint, iris, or facial recognition scanners offer a high level of security and convenience.
  • Mobile Credentials: Grant access through secure smartphone apps, eliminating the need for physical cards.

4. Can entrance control systems work with other security systems?

Absolutely! Modern entrance control systems can integrate seamlessly with various security solutions:

  • Building Management Systems: Centralize control over access, lighting, HVAC, and other building functions.
  • Alarm Systems: Trigger alarms for unauthorized access attempts, enhancing overall security.
  • Surveillance Cameras: Provide visual verification of individuals attempting entry, improving security and accountability.

5. What's the difference between turnstiles and access control gates?

Both turnstiles and access control gates act as physical barriers to control access. However, they differ in function:

  • Turnstiles: Ideal for managing pedestrian traffic flow. They come in waist-high tripod styles for regular use or full-height versions for enhanced security.
  • Access Control Gates: Provide secure entry points with features like card readers or biometric scanners. These are often used for building entrances or restricted areas.