Security Inspection Solution at Bashundhara Kings Arena | Dhaka, Bangladesh
About the project:
Bashundhara Kings Arena, is a football stadium in the Bashundhara Sports Complex, which is the home of Bashundhara Kings and Sheikh Russel KC. Bashundhara Sports Complex is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh which is considered as one of the largest sports complex in Bangladesh.
Project Site: Bashundhara King Arena, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Project Requirement:
As one of the largest sports complex every day they need to maintain a great number of players. It would not be realistic and possible to register every single person identity, and it would not prevent armed attacks either. Thus, a feasible solution is a system that is able to instantly and effectively detect and recognize dangerous goods, including weapons, in order to stop any potential threat to security.
Device Name
Device model
Security Inspection
Archway Gate
Function Description:
ZK-D4330S is a walk-through metal detector with the ultimately outstanding performance of metal detection; with 33 mutual over-lapping detection zones and simultaneous alarm from multi-zones, it easily detects all means of metal objects to offer full preciseness. It also has adjustable sensitivity levels from 0 to 300 to suit every customer’s needs.