Ministry of Defence, Dhaka, Bangladesh | Entrance Control & Security Inspection Solution
About the Project:
The Ministry of Defence is a Bangladeshi government ministry. It is the ministry of defence of Bangladesh. The MoD is headed by the Minister of Defence, a civilian and member of the cabinet; the post is usually held by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, who also serves as the President's second-in-command of the military.
Project Site: Ministry of Defence, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Project Requirements:
As a government institution and highly secure area, our client is highly concerned about their visitors & employee’s safety and any security loophole would be threatening to it. With increasing terror attacks globally coming with the growing tension among nations and geopolitical risks, it is definitely necessary to enhance the public security level in order to prevent causing loss to clients. Apart from that, they had some specific requirements for a reliable and convenient Security Inspection Solution that is able to instantly and effectively detect and recognize dangerous good including weapons in order to stop any potential threat to security & Entrance Control Solution at the entrance of the Ministry of Defence building for controlling of unauthorized entry in the building.
Implementation Solution